Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

1st Place Winner - Purple Dragonfly Book Award

The new children's resource picture book, Puffy Gets Angry, has won the 1st Place Purple Dragonfly Book Award.

Excellent Brain releases a New Freeware Attention Training Game Based on EEG

Excellent Brain, the innovative Israeli start-up that develops Neurofeedback brain training platforms, has announced a new Freeware release of a new attention training game that uses real-time feedback based on EEG signals from the brain.

Trump Inauguration: Many Missed Powerful Message of National Unity and Public Health

"Some networks never covered, and many Americans never tuned in for, a powerful prescription for national unity and public health given during the Trump Inauguration," said syndicated radio host and practicing physician, David DeRose, MD, MPH.

Physicians’ 16 Tips For Better Sleep

Using a controlled release melatonin supplement and a daytime nap can both lower blood pressure in the range of 5 to 7 points.

"Unbreakable" New Year's Resolution: Help Your Blood Pressure, Help Indigenous Peoples

First Nation peoples, like Native Americans, are respected by natural medicine practitioners for their insights into effective non-drug approaches for disease.

Give Blood This Holiday Season: The Life You Save May Be Your Own

Physicians David DeRose and Greg Steinke along with Nurse Practitioner Trudi Li, highlight a number of lifesaving truths in their best-selling new book, "Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control".